Getting a divorce is often a rather emotional and stressful period of time for most people, regardless of whether they were the one who desired the divorce or not. If there are children involved in the divorce process, things can become even more stressful and emotional, not only for the parents, but also for the children. It is important to realize there are two different aspects of going through a divorce – the emotional processes and the legal processes.

Your Las Vegas divorce attorney provides assistance with the legalities and often will do what he or she can to minimize the emotions, such as recommending you and the other party be kept in separate rooms during mediation and arbitration processes. However, there is a limit to the amount of emotional support your lawyer can provide. Many people require additional support from others during and after their divorce is finalized.

Build a Support Network

It is important that you and your children are supported both during and after the divorce in order to properly adjust to your new lives. Building a support network can involve talking to friends and family members who have been through divorce, or who are willing to lend an ear and allow you to vent. It could also be beneficial to search for divorce support groups online, or contact a counseling and therapy health center in your area. In addition, seeking one-on-one or family counseling with a therapist can help you and your children start to establish new goals and develop plans for achieving them.

Allow Time to Grieve

For some people and children, going through a divorce is very similar to someone passing away. This emotion is a natural reaction to loss. Not only is the relationship over, but also any future plans and dreams the couple or family might have made. Each person grieves in their own way and experiences different feelings. It is vital to go through this process in order to move on and begin your new life. It never hurts to get support from a grief support group or a therapist to help you and your children through this difficult time.

Take Care of Yourself and Your Children

You will want to establish new routines and focus on things that interest you and/or your children. Some people start exercising, adjust their sleep schedules, and create an entire new meal plan with the foods they enjoy and like. Other people start a journal to write down their feelings and thoughts to help them identify what is important and to let go of the past.

In addition, if there are old interests you gave up after you got married, consider starting those again, or finding new interests by joining a health club, sports league, hobbyist group, and so on. Plus, many of these can benefit your children, too.

Daughter and mother looking at a laptop

With the right support network, old and new interests, and getting through the grieving process, you will find divorce is not the end of your world, but the beginning of an entirely new adventure. For assistance with your separation, divorce, or other related family law matters, please feel free to contact McFarling, Cohen, Fic & Squires today at 702-565-4335 to arrange a consultation appointment with one of our experienced child custody and divorce lawyers in Las Vegas.