After getting a divorce in Las Vegas, most people will reach a point in their lives where they are going to be ready to date again. Deciding when the best time to start dating post-divorce depends upon your own individual circumstances and what sort of relationship you had with your ex that led to the divorce. Take the time to consider the following:

  • How do you feel about dating? If you are still mad or upset at your ex, or wondering what they are doing, then you are probably not ready to start dating, let alone get into a new, committed relationship. Allow yourself time to grieve and get over your ex completely before starting to look for someone new. Although meeting new people can be helpful, remember to keep things on a “friends-only” basis.

Seducing beautiful woman looking at her lover with wine glass.

  • How long has it been since you last went on a date? For some people this could be five, ten, or even twenty years or longer. Since then, the dating scene has changed. There are online dating sites, speed dating, singles’ activities, and events at local businesses and churches, and more. Decide what you are comfortable with and pursue those social aspects as you are searching for someone to date.
  • Evaluate what went wrong in your marriage. Understanding why your marriage failed is often helpful when you start dating. You will be able to recognize telltale signs there are potential concerns, and know when to end things should the relationship start to feel too familiar and too much like your former marriage.
  • Discuss dating with your children. For divorced parents, dating can lead to problems with their children. Their children might not yet be ready for their mom or dad to start seeing someone new. They could have fears their parent’s “new friend” will eventually be a replacement for the other parent. When you are ready to start dating, sit down and talk about it with your children. Even though they might not like the thought of you dating, it is still your life and your decision.
  • What type of relationship do you want? You need to decide how serious you want to take dating and developing a new relationship. Some people like going out and meeting new people, but they are just not ready to make the type of commitment a more intimate and meaningful relationship requires. That is perfectly okay. However, it is a good idea to communicate your intentions, just in case the other person is looking for something more than what you are willing to provide at this time.

Las Vegas Custody Lawyer

Even though your friends and family might encourage you to get out there and meet someone new, or are trying to set you up, in the end you have to decide for yourself if you are ready to see someone new. For legal advice and assistance with your divorce, child custody, child visitation, and other family law matters, contact McFarling Law Group now by calling 702 766 6671.