Divorce is a huge, life-changing decision that shouldn’t be made when emotions are running high or during a temporary rough patch. The implications for your emotional and financial health are huge, and a divorce could have a major impact on the lives of your children.

Las Vegas divorce lawyer

Couples invest years in a marriage and stepping away from one can prove to be a difficult decision. However, in some cases divorce is the only option available for couples with differences that cannot be bridged, or in cases of abuse. If you’re a Nevada resident contemplating a divorce, before contacting a Las Vegas divorce lawyer, think about the following:

  • Is there abuse? Physical abuse is often a sign that a marriage is beyond being salvageable. In marriages where there are multiple instances of physical abuse, or where one spouse fears for the safety of themselves or their children, divorce may be the best option.
  • In some cases, cheating by a spouse or both spouses is an issue that can be dealt with and resolved. It’s not easy – infidelity represents a fundamental betrayal of the marriage vow – but many couples are able to address the underlying issues that contributed to this behavior and move forward. However, often this isn’t the case, and the damage done to the marriage is too great to set right again.
  • Attraction and connection. In some marriages, spouses lose that spark that once attracted them to one another. It’s not always physical; in many cases, people’s personalities change over time, and one spouse may grow in one direction while the other spouse grows in the other. Couples who no longer feel attracted or connected need to consider whether that link can be reformed before deciding to divorce.
  • At some point, you have to be practical. Consider the impact of a divorce on your ability to provide for yourself and your children. Also consider financial factors such as debt, property ownership, and retirement funds. Most divorces have some pretty harsh financial consequences for divorcing spouses, especially in the beginning.

Some divorcing couples feel the financial ramifications for years to come. A study by marriage researchers Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher found that individuals need about 30 percent more income, on average, to maintain the same standard of living they had before a divorce.

If your differences are so great a reconciliation can’t be achieved, it’s often wise to get your financial affairs in order before pulling the trigger on divorce proceedings.

  • If you have children, especially young children, a divorce can be a tectonic shift in their lives. Many children suffer long-term consequences as a result of their parents’ divorce, including problems in school and in their own relationships later in life. Parents should factor in whether a divorce will improve or negatively impact their children’s lives into their final decision.

Las Vegas family law attorneys

    • Does the bad outweigh the good? Do a mental inventory of your marriage and consider what you like and dislike about it. Everyone weighs factors in a marriage differently, and what might be a deal-breaker to some may be a resolvable problem to others. If the good outweighs the bad, your marriage may be worth an attempt at saving. If not, Las Vegas divorce attorneys can help you through the dissolution of your marriage.


The McFarling Cohen Fic & Squires offers Nevada residents caring and experienced representation in divorce and family law cases. Emily McFarling is a veteran Las Vegas family law attorney who is a Board Certified Family Law Specialist and a recipient of the Pre-Eminent AV Rating. To schedule a consultation, call 702-565-4335.

